
Roy Eyal.

I used every page builder under the sun, and I built the homepages and landing pages of Elementor and WiX Studio until recently.

Roy Eyal
Let's talk

Roy Eyal Studio: Webflow developer

October 2023 - Present

After using every website builder, I decided to it's time to go all-in with Webflow. Design agencies such as verticalloop

I built this site using Webflow and Relume's Client-First framework.

I'm proud to have so many endorsements along the years.

Screenshot of the Roy Eyal Studio homepage


September 2022 - October 2023

Web Developer (Technical Designer)

Was part of the team that built the Wix Studio rebrand and landing pages. I also Authored online sessions for CSS guides.

Screenshot of the Wix Studio design page


February 2020 - August 2022

WordPress developer.

I was part of the marketing department for 2.5 years. I was in a very small team that created every landing page and every page on the website.

I Hosted multiple live webinars (e.g. product releases), live shows aimed at raising user engagement and local Elementor meetups.

Screenshot of Elementor's homepage

Roy Eyal

January 2010 - February 2020

Freelance WordPress Agency

I used multiple page builders along the years, and when Elementor launched I used it until joining them. I worked with multiple design agencies and designers along the years.

Homepage of Roy Eyal dot com

Tools of the Trade.

Some of my favorite moments

Broadcasting live webinars

...and talking in meetups about Elementor in front of live audience.

expand iconYouTube thumbnail for the Goodbye Elementor video

Official Elementor IG: "Roy Knows"

From the official Elementor Design Instagram page.
Art by the talented Alon Braier.

expand iconScreenshot of the Instagram gallery featuring the Roy Knows comicsInstagram Post

Winning "Best UX award"

...for the Elementor website that me and my team worked really hard on during the rebranding process.

expand iconScreenshot of "Best UX" design awardBrand Awards (Hebrew)

My code featured on Wix Studio Design

I created this effect in Wix Studio to showcase the use of CSS and the editor in action.

Wix Studio: Design